The IML Walking Association is a non-political, non-profit organisation whose purpose is:

  • to promote walking as worthwhile and healthy
  • to foster international understanding and goodwill by encouraging participation at walking events
  • to encourage friendship between people all over the world
  • this is accomplished by promoting international multi-day non-competitive walking events in each of the member countries

For administrative purposes the IML Walking Association is broken down into two Regions: the European Region and the Pan Pacific Region."Nos Iungat Ambulare" is the official motto of the IML Walking Association which, when translated into English, means "May walking bring us together". Come join us at an IML Walking Association event, and experience the atmosphere of goodwill and friendship amongst the international and local participants. Use the IML Walking Association worldwide program of events to: 

  • see different countries;
  • experience different cultures;
  • make new friends; and
  • renew friendship with walkers you have previously met

How do you become an IML walker?

Choose when and where you would like to walk and if necessary register online for that walk / event. See our Calendar. Off course you can also join with a group check the event website how to proceed. 

IML walkers must walk minimal 2 days and each day minimal 20 km. If the event has more walking days, then the IML walker must walk every day from that event minimal 20 km.

An IML member that organize an IML walking event can also organize a walk for those with the aged seventy or over, for children under ten and for disabled walkers of a minimum of 10 km per day (or less then 20km) for each day of the event. If disabled people walking with a companion, then maximal two companions entitled to an IML stamp in the passport and in to an IML event bar. The Companion must be eighteen or over. Companions of children under ten must be eighteen or over. A group up to eight children must accompanied by at least one companion, from 9-16 children at least by two companions and from 17 to 24 children at least three companions must walk with the children. Companion of children under ten entitled to an IML Stamp in the passport and an IML event bar. For special attendance walkers you must contact the organizer.

If you have ended the walk on the last day, then you must first check out, by the event self, for the walk. After that you go to the IML stand / IML place. The volunteer will check if you have already checked out, that is the proof you did the walk all days of the event. Only after this proof you can receive the IML stamp from that specific IML walking event in your IML passport which you can buy there and off course buy a medal and an event bar to put on your medal.

Now you are an IML walker and you can join more walks and collect more stamps from other events in your passport and collect the event bars. 

Please complete your passport by placing a photo and filling in your name, country, and your email address, if you lose it (and that happens) then there is a bigger change you get it back.

For more achievements check out the Awards page.

We look forward to seeing you there!