§ 1. Name, Address and Jurisdiction
§ 2. Status and Aim
§ 3. Finances
§ 4. Membership
a. Member Obligations
b. New Member Policy
c. Loss of Member Status
d. Honorary President
e. Honorary Member
f. Function of Honorary Persons
g. Award of Service
h. Details of Award of Service
§ 5. Official IML delegates
§ 6. Organization of the IML
a. General Meeting
b. Board
c. Board Assistants
d. Audit (Control) Committee
§ 7. Conduct of General Meetings.
a. Voting at General Meetings and E Voting
b. Election of the Board
c. Agenda and Proposals to the General Meeting
d. Extraordinary General Meeting
e. Changing of the Constitution
§ 8. IML awards
New Member Policy
IML Walking Association Awards
IML & IVV Cups, IVV Europiads, IVV Asianpiads, IVV Olympiads and IMl & IVV Cups
§ 1. Name, Address and Jurisdiction
- The name of the organization is "IML Walking Association." The official abbreviation of the "IML Walking Association" is "IML".
- The registered address of IML is Diekirch, Luxembourg
- The IML is governed by the Law of Luxembourg.
- The official language of IML is English.
§ 2. Status and Aim
- The IML is a non-political, non-profit organization.
- The aim of the IML is to promote health and to encourage friendship between people all over the world by promoting and encouraging multi-days walking events internationally.
- The slogan of the IML is "Nos Iungat Ambulare", which translated to English means: "Let Walking Unite Us".
§ 3. Finances
- The operating costs of the IML shall be paid out of the revenue generated by the sales of IML paraphernalia (i.e. medals, country bars etc) to member organizations, annual membership fees and corporate sponsorships.
- If the IML dissolves, any outstanding debts shall be paid by the member organizations each carrying an equal share of the debt load. If there are any surplus funds at the time of such dissolution, they shall be divided equally between the member organizations.
- The financial year of the IML is January 1 to December 31 annually.
§ 4. Membership
- Members of IML are the multi-day walking event organizations in each country that have met the standards set by IML and have been formally accepted as a member by the General Meeting of IML in accordance with §4 b.
- The founding members of IML are the eight walking event organizations, who signed the IML founding document in Tokyo in November,1987. These organizations are from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland.
- There can be more IML members from the same country, if the distance between the two events is of a reasonable distance and the topography or landscape in each location is different and an existing member has no reasonable objection. The General Meeting will decide whether an objection is reasonable or not. Each country has the right to have multiple walking events.
- The definition of a country is the same as used by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
- The IML is broken down into regions. A region must consist of a minimum of eight members. The rewarding system of the regions shall be the same. (same medals, figures, etc.)
- If the region has 16 or more members eight or more members already belonging to that region can formally request to become a new region at a General Meeting. A common majority of members present can approve this request.
- By a common majority, the General Meeting can decide which member organization belongs to which Region.
- There shall be a special category of membership for organizations whose aims are in accordance with those of the IML Walking Association. Such membership shall be on the recommendation of the Board or two members and shall be determined by a simple majority at a General Meeting. The criteria for membership and membership requirements shall be that the organization:
- Has an international profile and promotes walking.
- Agrees to promote the activities of the IML Walking Association including specific IML events.
- Shall be entitled to speaking rights but not voting rights at general meetings.
- Shall pay such annual membership fees as may be determined by a General Meeting.
- Shall provide a copy of their annual report including financial report every year.
- Agrees to work closely with the IML Board.
- Shall be eligible to organize IML accredited events in accordance with the obligations of IML members provided that they are agreed in advance by the Board of the IML, that an IML delegate is present and if they are held in an IML walk member country that the event shall be agreed by the IML member country. Such walks shall be eligible only for IML Global Walker awards and shall be held in a country for no more than three out of every 10 years.
- Such membership of the IML shall be known as an International Member.
- Membership shall be reviewed every five years by the General Meeting or earlier on the recommendation of the Board and shall be either have their confirmed or lost at the General Meeting.
- Japan will play a role as IML ambassador for the Asian region in accordance with the rules of the IML. The agreement has been made in November 2017 in Japan and approved through vote by majority at the General Meeting in Sweden 2018.
- Every country can make its own IML certificate for its event.
§ 4.a Member Obligations
- Each member organization of IML is obligated to organise and hold an annual multi-day walking event according to IML standards.
- The annual event must be at least two days in duration and walkers, in order to be eligible to receive IML rewards, must complete a minimum of 20 km per day on each day of the event. If the event has 3 or 4 days the walkers must complete these 3 or 4 days. As an option members can also organize walks for those aged 70 or over or children under 10 and for disabled walkers of a minimum of 10 km per day for each day of the event.
Companions of disabled people must be 18 or over. The companions have to walk at least 10 km every day of the event to be entitled to an IML Stamp in the passport and an IML event bar.
Companions of children under 10 must be 18 or over. A group up to 8 children must be accompanied by at least 1 companion, from 9-16 children at least by 2 companions and from 17 to 24 children at least 3 companions must walk with the children. Companion of children under 10 are entitled to an IML Stamp in the passport and an IML event bar.
For special attendance please refer to the organiser. - In order to maintain the IML standards, member organizations are obligated to ensure that walkers complete the requisite distance before stamping their International Walker Passport.
- Member organizations are obliged to send at least one representative to the annual IML General Meeting. A member of the Board can't be the official delegate of a member organization.
- The IML Walking Association is not liable for any accidents, theft or damage to property, walkers, participants or organizations taking part. Every effort should be made by the individual event organizers to make necessary arrangements for insurance cover and ensure the walks are safe, enjoyable and memorable. It should be noted that disclaimers do not necessarily protect an organization from litigation where someone incurs loss or injury as a direct action of the association or its members.
- Before the end of the calendar year each member organization of the IML is obligated to send the board assistant
- The appropriated order forms for next year of medals and other paraphernalia, included a list of the IML items in stock.
- The statistics of their annual event using the appropriated "account form" from the board asisstant.
- A list of walkers who became Global Walker, Master Walker, European- or Pan Pacific Walker together with the assigned serial number.
§ 4.b New Member Policy
- Any non-profit organization that has organized a multi-day walking event for at least 3 years may apply for membership in IML. This is accomplished by sending a letter to the Secretary-General accompanied by a written proposal, a copy of the Constitution of the organization and the organization's financial statements for the last three years.
- The Board will review the proposal and associated paperwork from the prospective member and send it with advice to the General Meeting.
- At the following General Meeting, the membership shall review the applicant's paperwork and decide whether to grant the applicant Candidate Event status or not. A common majority of votes of the members present in the General Meeting in favor is required for acceptance.
- If the General Meeting votes in favor of granting the applicant Candidate Event status, a judging team shall be appointed by the General Meeting or by delegation by the Board to assess the candidate's next event.
- The applicant event organizers shall then be required to pay the travel, accommodation and meals for a maximum of two judges plus the IML membership application fee.
- The judging team shall present a report on the candidate event. The prospective member event may if they so desire also make a final presentation to the General Meeting after which a vote will be taken on whether to accept the event as a member or not. Acceptance as a member requires more than two thirds of the votes of the members present in the General Meeting being in favor. If the prospective member is not present at the General Meeting then the decision for acceptance will be postponed.
- Prospective members may not appeal the decision of the General Meeting.
- The board can decide whether an organisation is to be granted IML candidate status with the option for a rejected organisation to request a decision by the General Meeting.
§ 4.c Loss of Member Status
- If in the opinion of the Board, a member country, despite repeated requests, refuses to follow the directives of the IML, it shall recommend to the General Meeting that the membership of the offending member be terminated.
- The offending member has the opportunity to defend his cause at the General Meeting and to answer to the different items mentioned in the accusation.
- The proposal to terminate an organization's membership must be approved by three-quarters of the members present at the General Meeting.
- The former member shall have no claim on any money reserves or assets of the IML.
§ 4.d Honorary President
- Upon recommendation of the Board or one or more members, the General Meeting can decide to grant the Title of "Honorary President", to a person who has very special merits in promoting the IML Walking Association and was President for at least 3 years.
- The person shall be granted the title for life.
- There shall only be one "Honorary President" at any given time.
§ 4.e Honorary Member
Upon recommendation of the Board, or one or more members, the General Meeting can decide to grant the Title of "Honorary Member of the IML Walking Association" to an individual who they feel has contributed much to the success of the IML.
§ 4.f Function of Honorary Persons
- Honorary Persons shall receive the annual report and an invitation to the General Meetings.
- Honorary Persons shall have no right to vote at the General Meetings but are welcome to provide advice.
§ 4.g Award of Service
Upon recommendation of the Board, or one or more members, the General Meeting can decide to grant an "Award of Service from the IML Walking Association" to an individual who has provided outstanding service to the IML.
§ 4.h Details of Award of Service
- A certificate and/or other material may be presented to those persons receiving the award to acknowledge their Award of Service.
- Those persons having received an Award of Service shall have no right to vote at the General Meetings but are welcome to provide advice.
§ 5. Official IML delegates
Every year the board takes the decision about the persons participating in the different IML walks/ marches as an official IML delegate. The delegate should make an official report before the end of the calendar year to the Board-assistant about the walk / march to keep up the standard of the marches. The delegates will receive form the IML a compensation of € 150,00. The delegates pay the travel expenses themselves.
The IML declares this delegate fee of € 150,00 to the organizer of the event. There will be a committee that looks after the important items in the reports and advises the General Meeting if action is necessary.
§ 6. Organization of the IML
The organization of the IML shall consist of:
- General Meeting
- Board
- Board assistants
- Audit committee
§ 6.a General Meeting
- The General Meeting consists of all members of the IML and is, in all matters, the highest responsible authority of the IML.
- The IML has to pay the travel and accommodation expenses of the board. The accommodation expenses are limited to 2 days.
§ 6.b Board
- The Board of the IML shall consist of minimal 3 members including the president and one Vice president from each of the regions. One of the Vice-Presidents should be appointed as Senior Vice President. He/she can act as President if necessary (by absence or illness of the President).
- The expenses of the Board Meetings, including travel expenses for the Board Members and the board - assistants will be paid for by the IML, according to a budget set by the General Meeting.
- The different tasks within the board will be divided among the Board members. If there is no agreement the President will decide. The decisions made (job-descriptions) will be communicated to the member organizations. The Board can establish working committees with delegates from member organizations. These working committees will be chaired by one of the Board members.
- The President has the authority to suspend a board member or the board asisstant. The action must be approved in the next General Meeting. The member has a right to appeal to the General Meeting.
§ 6.c Board Assistants
- The task of the board assistants is to attend to all the day to day activities of the IML.
- One of the board assistants is also the Treasurer of the IML.
- The board assistant shall present an Annual Report, including the Financial Report, to the General Meeting.
- After acceptance of the Financial Report by the General Meeting, the board assistant is no longer responsible for the financial affairs for the calendar year in question.
- One of the tasks of the board assistant is to administer the purchase of IML medals, country bars and other paraphernalia from the manufacturer and the sales of these items to the members and to pay the bills. In case the board assistant is not available the signing authority is also given to all board members.
- The board assistant is authorized to impose a late payment levy to members who do not pay their invoice for these items within 30 days of the date of completion of their annual event. The amount of the levy is to be decided upon by the General Meeting.
§ 6.d Audit (Control) Committee
- The Audit (Control) Committee for the following financial year shall consist of two member delegates elected by the General Meeting.
- The Audit (Control) Committee shall audit the expenses made by the board asisstant to ensure that they are in accordance with the financial policy. The Audit (Control) Committee may be directed by the board or general meeting to audit other operational activities and/or special projects.
- The Audit (Control) Committee report for a financial year shall be presented in writing at the following year's General Meeting.
§ 7. Conduct of General Meetings
- The General Meeting will be held approximately every 18 months in conjunction with one of the member organizations events and shall be presided over by the President.
- Members must be notified of the General Meeting dates at least one year in advance. The host member organization for the General Meeting is responsible for making all necessary arrangements for the General Meeting.
- Every member is obliged to host and organize a General Meeting following a system of rotation. The location of the General Meetings will be determined at least three years in advance.
- Each member has to send at least one delegate to the General Meeting, two delegates per member is allowed.
- All members shall have one or two delegates at the annual General Meetings. If a member does not have a delegate at a General Meeting for two consecutive years, then it receive a fine of € 300,00 and the matter will be discussed at the following General Meeting and a decision made by the members as to whether to terminate the membership of the member in question or to take some other form of disciplinary action.
- Only one proxy delegate is allowed pro meeting pro organisation. A member may appoint a proxy or representative minimal 30 days before the General Meeting. If proxy used for 2 consecutive meetings, then attendance must be in person for next two General Meeting.
- The Member delegates are responsible to pay their own travel, accommodation, and meal expenses to attend the General Meetings.
§ 7.a Voting at General Meetings and E Voting
- Each Member shall have one vote on decisions made during a General Meeting. The Board members shall have no vote at General Meetings. Countries with one walking event will have one vote and countries with multiple walking events will not have more than two votes. The board members shall have no votes at General Meetings.
- Except where stated in the Constitution, the General Meeting decisions shall be determined by a common majority (half + one) vote of the members present at the meeting.
- Except for changing the Constitution, the General Meeting may deal with other proposals submitted after the deadlines set out in § 7 below, subject to three- quarters of the members present being in favor of discussing the proposal in question and deciding on the matter.
- E-voting shall be used between IML Walking Association (IML) annual general meetings or special meetings for the IML to make decisions on issues in accordance with the following procedure:
- That any matters requiring resolution by E- Voting be referred to the board asisstant by three or more IML members or the IML Board (less one member).
- The IML members or Board proposing the matter shall be entitled to prepare a paper providing information as to why this matter requires urgent consideration by E- Voting.
- That the board asisstant advise the Board of the matter.
- That the board asisstant gather such information as the Board may require to formulate a proposal on the matter.
- That the Board either support or not support the matter to go to the membership for electronic voting (note that the Board shall require a 75% majority for the matter to go forward for consideration by the members for E- Voting).
- The Board shall be required to make a decision within one month of all material on the matter being sent to the board asisstant. The Board shall consider whether the matter is urgent, extraordinary and cannot wait until a scheduled general meeting of the IML.
- If approved, the board asisstant shall advise members of the matter to be voted on and any recommendation from the Board.
- The board asisstant shall confirm the delegate from the IML member for voting purposes and their email address.
- The board asisstant shall then email the Board report and any recommendations on the matter to the delegate with a voting form.
- The board asisstant shall verify that all member delegates have received the Board report and the voting form.
- The board asisstant shall advise all delegates that they should be free to contact any IML member regarding the matter, and shall forward email addresses of IML delegates to all other IML delegates.
- The delegate shall have one month to vote from the day of the material being sent to the delegate from the board asisstant.
- If a delegate does not vote than this shall be taken as not participating in the voting.
(i.e. his or her not voting will not influence in any way the required majority one way or the other) - Whether the provision shall pass or not shall be determined in accordance with the IML Walking Association constitution.
- Following the vote being taken, the board asisstant shall advise all IML delegates and the Board of the result of the voting on the matter. The decision shall be recorded in the IML records and appear as a matter of record in the papers to the next general meeting.
§ 7.b Election of the Board
- Each term of office for the positions of President and the Vice-Presidents is 4 years and the maximum number of terms an individual may serve in these positions it two for a total of eight years. If after eight years, there is no candidate available or elected, the President may, subject to approval of the General Meeting and the willingness of the incumbent, stay in office for one additional year.
- The Members can nominate individuals for election to any of the positions on the Board.
Nominations for election to the Board must be sent to the board asisstant at least 60 days before the General Meeting at which an election for the position in question is due to take place. - The names of those nominated for election to the Board shall be disseminated to the members at least 45 days before the General Meeting at which an election for the position in question is due to take place.
- The election will be done by secret ballot. During the election, the candidate getting the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.
- If there is only one candidate for election to any of the Board positions, that candidate must still receive the approval of the General Meeting by a common majority vote of the members present at the General Meeting.
- If an incumbent of a Board position is eligible for re-election, the individual shall automatically be considered a candidate and their name will be submitted to the General Meeting by the board asisstant unless the incumbent in question indicates that they do not want to stand for re-election.
- The rules surrounding the election of Board members shall be adhered to very strictly and any changes to the rules must be dealt with in the same manner that changes to the Constitution are handled.
§ 7.c Agenda and Proposals to the General Meeting
- Proposals from Board Members and members for inclusion on the Agenda of a General Meeting shall be sent to the board asisstant no later than 60 days prior to the scheduled General Meeting date.
- The Agenda along with all proposals and supporting paperwork concerning the matters to be discussed at the General Meeting shall be sent to the members and Honorary Persons no later than 45 days prior to the scheduled General Meeting date.
- All agreements involving collaboration or cooperation or other requirements of the IML shall require the agreement of the AGM following a recommendation from the Board.
§ 7.d Extraordinary General Meeting
- The Board of IML or a majority of the members can request an Extraordinary General Meeting.
- A letter explaining the reason for the Extraordinary General Meeting and the Agenda shall be sent out to the members no later than 45 days before the Meeting is convened.
§ 7.e Changes of the Constitution
- Changes to the Constitution must receive the support of three-quarters of the votes from members present at the General Meeting.
- Proposals from the members to change the Constitution shall be sent to the board asisstant no later than 60 days before the General Meeting.
- Proposed changes to the Constitution shall be included on the Agenda of the General Meeting which shall be sent along with the Proposal detailing the reason for the changes to the members at least 45 days before the meeting.
- The General Meeting can deal with proposals not fulfilling the data restrictions in item 2 and 3 of § 7e.
§ 8 IML Awards
- In order to maintain a uniform standard across the membership, the IML medals, country bars and other paraphernalia shall be ordered from the designated factory by the board asisstant.
- The "Pin of Merit" may be granted by members or by the board asisstant to a person who has shown special merits in the promotion of the IML.
- Each member and the board Assistant may only grant a total of two "Pins of Merit" each calendar year.
2022 August - Verdal, Norway -
IML Walking Association General Meeting
These Bylaws are in addition to the IML Walking Association Constitution and are subject to periodic alteration by the Board should the necessity arise.
The annual membership fee may be agreed each year at the General Meeting of IML Walking Association, or at any another special meeting attended by members.
Membership fees will remain the same unless changed by a majority vote at a General, or, Special meeting.
If a member obtains sponsorship for IML then the level of sponsorship will be reflected in the current membership fee as discussed and agreed at a General Meeting.
All members are responsible for payment of invoices for IML Walking Association medals, goods and membership fees within 30 days of the completion of their annual event. Failure to do so shall result in an additional levy of € 100 per invoice being imposed to the member.
Transport costs will be taken over by the members. The file library will be used to update the actual state of payments of each member.
Board expenses will not exceed 50% of accepted annual budget. The actual membership fee is 350 Euros
Member organizations are expected to conduct their events at the highest possible standards in accordance with IML Constitution and Bylaws with particular regard to safety, first aid services, trail marking, food and beverages, clean toilet facilities, accommodation as expected at an international event.
At least every two years, the event will be checked by an IML delegate to see if the event is still fit within IML guidelines. A report is drawn up and this report is discussed with the respective organizer. This report will be presented to the IML Board after this meeting but will not be published.
Members are required to produce an event brochure which should include an explanation of the IML Walking Association and advertise the next two years of IML Walking Association events as currently displayed on the IML website.
Each member will arrange an opening and a closing ceremony during their annual event. A general meeting is held every year, attended by one or two delegates from an event.
At this meeting the date and place of the meeting for the next three years will be determined.
During the closing ceremony, a formal presentation of awards will be made to IML Walkers attaining the following achievements:
- Global Walker clip and certificate
- International Master Walker clip and certificate
- European Master Walker clip and certificate
- Pan Pacific Master Walker clip and certificate
- Gold Medal with laurel
- Gold and blue medal with laurel and long ribbon
- The new IML medal with 1 star
- The new IML medal with 2 stars and certificate
- The new IML medal with 3 stars
- The new IML medal with 1 crown
- The new IML medal with 2 crowns
- The new IML medal with 3 crowns and certificate
- Plus any other appropriate awards
The organizer is responsible for informing participants of the requirement to pre-order awards prior to the event so that awards are prepared in time for the closing ceremony.
IML delegates participating in the event can be invited to assist and support the organisers in the opening and closing ceremony and to promote the goals of the IML Walking Association.
Members are encouraged to organize press conferences to promote the event and IML Walking Association.
Members are to provide an IML Walking Association promotion stand at their annual event which can be used to distribute promotional material on the IML Walking Association and brochures from the other IML Walking Association events.
At the conclusion of the event, this promotion stand should be used to stamp IML Walking Association passports and distribute IML Walking Association awards.
The IML Walking Association promotion stand should be clearly recognisable and be adequately staffed by personnel who are fully knowledgeable of the rules of the IML Walking Association. The staff must be comprised of personnel of the local walking organisation and can only be assisted by members of the IML Board or by the official IML delegate or by an experienced IML event organiser. IML Walking Association merchandise and award price lists should be prominent display.
The organiser will ensure that authorised personnel adhere to the following procedure at conclusion of the IML Walking Association:
Ensure that the walkers have completed the event in accordance with local regulations and that they have met the IML Walking Association criteria of walking a minimum of 20 kms on each day of the event, with the option of 10 kms per day for each day of the event for walkers who are aged 70 years and over (note the latter is only where walks of this length are available);
Only accept personally offered IML passports and check the photograph to ensure it matches the person offering the passport. If there is no photograph in the passport, the walker should be asked to put one in;
Affix the IML Walking Association event stamp in the passport in a sequential manner except where a stamp from that same event appears on that particular page in which case the stamp shall affixed to the following page;
After confirming eligibility in the passport, sell or give the appropriate IML Walking Association award to the walker;
When a walker claims to be eligible for a specific clip and certificate, confirm that such is the case by checking the individual’s passport;
If the individual is eligible for a clip and certificate, record the issuing of such in the passport.
New Member Policy
Upon being accepted as a candidate event, the organisers shall pay the application fee to the IML Walking
Association. The application fee is € 250 and is non-refundable.
A candidate event will be judged by a team normally consisting of at least two persons, one of which being a member of the board and one a member from the region to which the prospective event belongs.
The judging team shall use the attached form as a guideline when assessing a candidate event and for making its report to the General Meeting. The team will also advise the General Meeting on the suitability of the prospective member before the vote to accept a new member event is taken.
If the General Meeting votes in favour of acceptance, the new member shall pay the IML Walking Association entrance fee to IML Walking Association. The entrance fee is € 500.
The General Meeting will vote on acceptance which may have three possible outcomes.
- Acceptance as a member.
- Postponement of the decision and the possibility to designate a patron organization. The patron organization may not be a member of the judging committee. The role of the patron organisation shall be to provide information and to advise the candidate on the membership requirements prior to consideration for membership at a later General Meeting. The patron organization must be a member of the region to which the candidate event is seeking to become a member of.
- Non-acceptance. If the General Meeting does not vote in favour of acceptance, the prospective member may re-apply after a period of 12 months and forfeit its application fee. Prospective members may not appeal against the decision of the General Meeting.
IML Walking Association Awards
Members shall not copy or alter the IML Walking Association awards nor may they use the awards in any way other than that outlined in the rules.
IML Member Organisations, especially new members of IML, are required to use the IML Awards Handbook and to immediately contact the board asisstant of IML with any queries regarding any doubts or interpretation of IML rules.
The staff on IML stands are authorised to refuse any stamps and awards to walkers who, in their opinion, cannot prove completion of the event according to the IML rules.
IML stamps and awards must not be provided to walkers before verification of completion and only on the last day of the event.
A participant completing IML Walking Association events in each of the eight founding countries (or all remaining founding members and balance of other IML walks to complete eight walks) is entitled to receive the International Master Walker clip and certificate. These can only be presented at an IML Walking Association event of one of the eight founding members of IML, (§4, item 2) (note that no walk shall be used twice to qualify).
A participant completing IML Walking Association events in eight European Region member countries is entitled to the European Walker clip and certificate. These can only be presented at a European region event.
A participant completing IML Walking Association events in a minimum of eight Pan Pacific region member countries (or repeat participations should there not be eight or more members) is entitled to the Pan Pacific Walker clip and certificate. These can only be presented at a Pan Pacific region event.
A participant completing 75% or maximum 10 IML walks (whichever is the lesser) in each IML region is entitled to the Global Walker clip and certificate. These can only be presented at any IML Walking Association event (note that no walk shall be used twice to qualify).
Members shall send the order-form for medals and other goods/supplies to the board assistant prior to December 31 annually along with a list of IML Walking Association award items left in stock for statistical purposes.
In order to participate in the International Walker awards program, a walker must buy an International Walker passport at an IML Walking Association event.
A walker obtaining stamps from three different IML Walking Association events on the same page in the International Walker Passport has completed a series and is entitled to purchase a series numeral. (i.e. 3 stamps on first page entitles participant to number 1.)
After completing their first IML Walking Association event, a walker may obtain an event stamp in the IML Walking Association Passport and purchase the bronze medal.
After completing an IML Walking Association event, walkers may purchase a country-bar for the country in question.
In the case of IML passports lost, missing or other reasons around a lack of appropriate documentation the walker participant can apply to receive an IML award, stamp or bar retrospectively (for a maximum of 2 previous events per country). Note that in order for this to occur the following condition must be fulfilled:
The walker must apply to the organizer of the event and provide a completed personal start card. This start card must be correctly registered in the name of the participant and all required check points must be marked as completed according to the rules of the local organizer.
The event organisation representative verifies the claim by use of a database, or similar record, to agree the claim of successful participation and their completion of the event within IML rules.
Note that a certificate, confirming that the walker participated at the event will not be accepted.
When verified and approved that a walker is entitled for a retrospective IML stamp, the stamp may be provided on a standardised sticker which must be inserted in the correct IML passport.
In all cases the stamp will be completed with the name of the person representing the organisation awarding the stamp, with the date of issue and the name of the participant (first name plus second name).
These regulations are also valid to replace any IML passports and IML awards.
IML member organisations can request retrospective stickers from the board asisstant of IML with a full explanation and proof of verification of the circumstances of the claim.
To replace any damaged IML award, the walker is required to present the damaged item to the IML desk at any event where a replacement can be purchased – except country bars which can only be replaced at the country of origin. The IML Organiser will dispose of the damaged item.
To replace lost or damaged country bars the walker may contact the organizer of the respective event in person or by email to get a replacement. In the case of a lost bar the walker must provide evidence of participation in order to purchase a replacement including administration charge for postage or any other extra costs involved.
In the case of a complaint or disagreement designated staff members at IML stands are invited at their discretion to start the complaints procedure which is provided for that purpose by the IML.
The IML Board has the authority to handle each case brought to its attention.
If the event has to be cancelled the day before the event begins, then registered IML walkers are entitled to an IML stamp in their IML passport.
The Pricelist of IML materials can be found in the IML Application and the list is standard and for everyone the same.
IML & IVV Cups , IVV Europiads , IVV Asianpiads , IVV Olympiads and IMl & IVV Cups
Walkers taking part in these events must walk every day of the event for a distance of 20 km or more per day (or 10 kms, if the event has an walk of 10km) if aged 70 or over or under 10 or disabled)) to be entitled to an IML Stamp in the passport and an IML event bar.
Companions of disabled people must be 18 or over. The companions have to walk at least 10 km every day of the event to be entitled to an IML Stamp in the passport and an IML event bar.
Companions of children under 10 must be 18 or over. A group up to 8 children must be accompanied by at least 1 companion, from 9-16 children at least by 2 companions and from 17 to 24 children at least 3 companions must walk with the children. Companion of children under 10 be entitled to an IML Stamp in the passport and an IML event bar.
For special attendance please refer to the organiser.
IML Passports have now separate pages especially for IVV/IML Olympiad stamp.
Note that these awards only qualify for the IML figures and not for any other special entitlements in the IML Walking Association Awards program.
Special rules ( IML & IVV Cup Rules.docx ) regulate the common IML & IVV awarding system.
Only appointed IML Delegates or Board Members should assist at IML Desks/Stands at IML events. Individual Walkers are not allowed to be involved in the awards verification process and or to assist as a volunteer at IML desks/stands.
Japan has a role as IML ambassador for the Asian region in accordance with the rules of the IML.
To promote the development of China walking activities and the cooperation between China walking (the Dalian Walking Association (DWA) and the Beijing International Mountain Walking Festival (BIMWF) and IML made an agreement. In this agreement they established the "Support agency for IML affairs in China" (SAIAC). The SAIAC will perform its responsibilities and conduct the missions of IML, under the supervision of IML consulting team.